关于我 About Me

Posted ·23693 Views·3907 Words

👋 Tony He

性别男,INTJ-T,学生/者,数码产品与电子工具使用/创造者,Crypto-native since 2020.
目前在浙江大学 (ZJU) 实习并担任「科研助理」(Research Assistant, Co-op),主要研究方向为隐私推理与应用密码学。本科就读于加拿大滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo),数学专业 (Combinatorics and Optimization),with a minor in Computing, Co-op 项目。
如有关于博客内容、排版等的提议与意见,可通过邮件向我反馈;同时欢迎通过留言板 / AMA 板块向我提问。
同时我也主播一档播客「已知未知 Known Unknowns」,聚焦生活、科技与职业,不定期更新,欢迎收听与订阅。
我活跃于 X,微信与 Instagram,你可以通过这些渠道与我 DM / 即时通讯。寻求深入沟通请使用电邮。
我目前处于 China Standard Time (UTC+8) 时区。

...Capture what you experience and sort it out; only in this way can you hope to use it to guide and test your reflection, and in the process shape yourself as an intellectual craftsman.
——  C. Wright Mills

近期项目 Recent Projects

我正在打造一个独立博客托管平台 Snapod(声奈播),致力于为中文播客生态兴起和发展赋能。目前已开放内测等候,欢迎加入

Snapod Beta - The better independent podcast hosting platform | Product Hunt

关于此站点 About This Site

域名与解析 Domain / DNS:CloudFlare
前端服务 Front-End:Vercel
后端及内容管理系统 Back-End / CMS:CloudCone [Referral] (WordPress)
对象储存 Object Storage: Qiniu
统计数据 Analytics: Open Source → / Data Transparency →

个人项目 Personal Projects

大多个人所做项目都开源在 Github (@ttttonyhe),你可以通过 Issues / Pull Request 表达你的认同。

Github Contribution Chart


代码能力 Technical Skills


  1. 持续学习:Type/JavaScript  /  Python  /  PHP  /  HTML  /  CSS  /  SCSS  /  Tailwind CSS  /  SQL  /  Node.js  /  Racket  /  C  /  C++  /  Ruby
  2. 积极入门:Rust  /  Redis  /  Go  /  Solidity  /  Docker  /  Kubernetes
  3. 暂无标题:React.js  /  Vue.js 2  /  Nuxt.js 2  /  Next.js  /  Ruby on Rails  /  MySQL  /  MongoDB  /  Electron.js  /  Koa.js  /  Git  /  Vim  /  PyTorch

喜好与兴趣 Hobbies

🖥️ 编程  /  📖 学习  /  📚 阅读  /  🎨 设计  /  🏢 创业  /  🔬 科研  /  等

📷 摄影/像  /  诗,词与 🎹 音乐;

⌨️ Tab (2 Spaces)

💻 Mac PowerUser  /  🐧 Linux DailyDriver

电子产品 Digital Products

  • A whole bunch of Apple products:
    • Apple iPhone 15 Pro Black Titanium / 8GB RAM / 128GB ROM
    • Apple Airpods Pro 2nd Generation
    • Apple iPad Air 11″ A14 Bionic / 256GB ROM / Apple Pencil 2
    • Apple MacBook Pro 14″ M3 Max with 14 CPU + 30 GPU cores / 36GB RAM / 1TB ROM
  • I play a lot of FPS and RTS games:
    • Intel NUC X15 Laptop Kit i7-11800H / RTX 3070 Laptop / 32GB RAM / 1.5TB ROM / Benchmark →
    • Microsoft XBox Series X Elite Controller 2 / XGPU / WD_Black P10 2TB
    • NIZ Plum Atom 68 Lubed with Krytox 205g0 / PBTfans BOW Keycaps
  • I prefer paper books, but Kindle is certainly a nice alternative for when I'm on the go:
    • Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 4 32GB Storage
  • I watch a lot of movies and TV series:
    • Google Chromecast 2 with Google TV
  • I enjoy classcial music and Jazz:
    • Sony WH-1000XM5 Headphones Platinum Silver / ANC
    • Casio Casiotone CT-S300 Portable Keyboard
    • Google Nest Mini 2nd Generation

手表集 Watch Collection (WIP)

  • Hamilton American Classic Intra-Matic H38755751
  • Timex Marlin® Automatic TW2V44500
  • Apple Watch SE 2nd Gen / Midnight / 40mm GPS

历史定所 Location History


Cities/countries that I've lived in before for an extended period of time.

  • 🇨🇳 China (10+ years)
    • 成都,四川 Chengdu, Sichuan
    • 杭州,浙江 Hangzhou, Zhejiang (4 months)
      • Zhejiang University
  • 🇨🇦 Canada (4+ years)
    • Region of Waterloo/Kitchener, Ontario
      • University of Waterloo
    • Toronto, Ontario (4 months)
      • Downtown Toronto
  • 🇸🇬 Singapore (4 months)
    • Nanyang Technological University

联系我 Contacts

  • ENS: ttttonyhe.eth
  • Email:ABC_tony.hlp@hotmail.com (with "ABC_" removed)
  • Timezone: Eastern Time (EST/EDT)
  • Book a 15mins Chat with Me

社交媒体 Social Media

职业动态 Work Status

  • Fall 2021 秋季: Bitbuy - Junior Web Developer
  • Spring 2022 春季: Safyre Labs - Full-Stack Software Developer
  • Winter 2023 冬季: BioRender - Full-Stack Software Engineer

我正在积极寻求 2024 年秋季为期 4 个月的「研究助理/全栈工程师」实习工作 (Co-op 项目),欢迎查看 我的简历 或前往我的 领英主页 了解更多 (信息可能不是最新)。我对工作的热情来自对创造和协作的渴望,与聪明的人一起工作、打造激动人心的产品、为社会痛点提供解决方案是我的期望和追求的目标。盼能与您共事。

I am seeking Fall 2024 Research Assistant / Full-Stack Software Engineer (Co-op) remote internship opportunities. Feel free to check out my Résumé and Linkedin for more information (may not be up-to-date).
In additional to full-stack development, I have a strong interest in applied cryptography and computer security & privacy.
I truly hope to make a solid contribution to your organization, and I look forward to speaking with you in person.

学术动态 Research Work


My current research focus is Applied Cryptography and Computer Security & Privacy.

Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.


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